E2E - launch (ROI/monetization)



  • MNOs need to meet high customer expectations while minimizing 5G site rollout and/or upgrade investment
  • How can MNOs get 5G right the first time (essential for both the initial and the overall 5G ROI)?



  • Nova Passive* + Professional Services
    *based on probes, Nova Geo, Nova Explorer, and Nova Analytics
  • For effective 5G launch and optimal ROI (with ongoing E2E monitoring)

Note: part of the solution may be considered in practice, while EXFO A|SA (incl. SensAI, Context, etc.) becomes increasingly important for proactive service assurance

  • Today (case study) – Leading MNO, EMEA
    Using EXFO’s solution to follow a targeted, customer-centric approach to quickly and successfully launch 5G, based on understanding:
    • Where to roll out 5G first
    • Who to promote 5G to first
    • How to monitor 5G adoption
    • How to identify and resolve 5G issues
  • Soon – Need for A|SA as 5G customers increase and 5G SA is launched
